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Old 18th November 2013, 06:46 PM
Pat123 Pat123 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 323

Thanks for this. I've been madly searching and from what I have found, it's such a grey area. I'll have a read of the info you've put up. Cheers
Originally Posted by UselessBettor

I would say there is 99.9999% chance the ATO won't come after you for trading on the horses. Its all theoretical. It was raised a few years ago and has lingered on since then as a possibility.

If you search google for "Australian Tax Office betfair" you might find a few things. as well as "ATO Tax Betfair"

Here is a link to a guy who got asked about his punting just this year :

There are a few threads on this forum from a few years ago. There are also a few on the betfair forums.

and make sure you read this:
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