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Old 15th July 2004, 06:55 PM
jimmyc_dogs jimmyc_dogs is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 124

On 2004-07-15 19:33, kenchar wrote:
I am STILL doing the same thing although after listening to all the EXPERT posts I began to doubt myself and looked at many other methods.
They ALL failed so I reverted to what I was doing and have been happy ever since.
The only difference now is then I was betting $200 to win 2 points eg $400.
I am now betting $400 to win 1 point plus overs.
My last 3 months.
MAY $14800
So far this month $7600.
Whether anyone believes this or not I don't give a damn and I am not going to get in to a bunfight with all the forum experts.
All I can say if anyone is serious about this game you HAVE to bet everyday possible, and pinch a small amount and STOP.
I have been doing this from home, but will shortly be going to every meeting I can possibly get to as I am still a firm believer that if you work from odds as I do NOTHING compares to being at the track.


hey mate, if u got the time occasionally would u be able 2 mayb post some selections up, well done if your making a slight profit, cause in the end thats what its about,


p.s i agree about making a small profit and stopping, i work about 20 hours a week earning $15 an hour, the last 2 days i have made 2 bets, and profited just under $45 dollars (both place bets) thats an extra 3 hours work in 10 minuts, very very happy
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