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Old 10th December 2013, 06:12 AM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 743

My take on this is you need to work back from what you want to MAKE as a profit per week.

I've got 2 systems to demonstrate, the first system:

3.3% selection rate......33% POT

The second system:

33% selection rate......33% POT

As you can see, both systems deliver the same POT but the second system has a selection rate 10 times more than the other. So, working back from your profit target, let's say $1000 per week.(rounded off, actually $990)

...................Profit.......T'over.....No. bets/week.....Stake =T'over/No. bets

System 1.....$1,000.....$3,000...........10.............. .$300

System 2.....$1,000.....$3,000..........100.............. $30

From the above you can see, that provided you stake your bets to match your selection rate, both systems are equally as good.
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