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Old 10th December 2013, 10:33 PM
Puntz Puntz is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 292

Most of my punting "career" evolved what is now called "bots", "robots".
A motor vehicle production line modern documentary on TV show is a fine example of "bots in action", what used to be done manually,
(hand built cars ) is now a series of mechanical repetitious logic orchestrated by machines.
These machines are "reading" a code written by a human.

I to was once repetitiously manually inputting data till 3 am's at one time.
The type errors, the backspace and the error not seen that caused a loss, and at time an type error was blessing to I may add.
Then progressively what I was doing someone had the "next better" idea and soon I was shown what it is to record a macro.
It seemed to me and quoted in a book I read that computers, horse racing and trifectas is a match made in heaven, to calculate these thing in real time.

Then someone had the next best thing and it was a fully automated betting system running on Win 95 platform.

Then the next thing after that which I had something to do with, was my own "bot" and sourced programmers to "make it happen".
It did "happen" for a while till technology updated and the programmer went South.

Well,the theory and it may be practical someday I hope is;
ONE main program collecting all data on a open source environment perpetually maintained by those who can program...similar to firefox web browser concept. It's Open Source

The ONLY thing a punter has to learn is to code their own "bot" using a common BASIC computer language that connects to the main part and can have adaptions for 3rd party software such as bet senders.

Logic indicates that's how it ought to be, narcism inhibits the logic and those willing.

It's like saying, there are 5 billion internet users around the world, so let have 5 billion versions of web browsers, all getting on the net.
Or, you can have one web browser for the same 5 billion users, all all getting on the net.

So the basic question is,
Would it be ethical to have one main program with one common learn-able "bot" language for 100 punters to bet on the races,
100 programs with 100 different "bot" languages for 100 punters to bet on the races ?

And further more, the main program is not web based or cloud, it's downloadable and install stand-alone with constant upgrades, in time with the constant evolving IT world.

The final dilemma is this,
there is the artist, ( architect/ideas person the punter), the programmer and the financier.
The financier likes the artist/PUNTER'S idea/concept, who can pay a programmer to develop the idea.
The idea works, but then the artist gets screwed because the financier and the programmer who has the key to the source code end up "happy ever after" and the artists/PUNTER is back to square one.

So it has to be Open Source.

But for now, some of us IT mortals use Excel VBA to get by.
It's never too late.
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