Thread: TattsDownloads
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Old 10th January 2014, 06:53 AM
Martinw Martinw is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 40

Hi Aussie - thanks for that.

Unforetunetly it does not fix my problem. My app automatically downloads the divs and win pools at preset intervals for 30 mins up to the gate closing. It does this on up to 70 works sheets a day depending on how many races there are. It then runs an analytical package to see if each race is a bet or not.
Over the years I have focused on the analytical package. I was using xml schemas to get the xml feed but when Tatts took over the downloads got very shonky. So I went back to html. Now I have some time I am trying to get back to xml feed.
The problem is Shaun's code is for a single sheet, mine is multiple sheets. And I am not a good programmer. So when an error message comes up I tend to hit the wall. I did manage to get the race number to load - do not ask me how!
But now I need to get "Pool" to become an optional argument. This is not a problem as a single sheet app but multisheet is a no go.

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