Thread: Form into Excel
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Old 15th January 2014, 02:49 PM
evajb001 evajb001 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 463
Default Form into Excel

Hi guys,

I've looked around at a number of form providers to replace the form I was able to import to Excel for free from cyberhorse. It seems there are only 2 that have the detail I'm after to make my ratings and/or systems work however I fear I may have some trouble getting them to import both correctly and smoothly.

I'm hoping/wondering some kind soul out there is able to help me get the form importing into excel in a useable manner much like Shaun's sheets did for cyberhorse or do for sky racing. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated however if nobody has the spare time etc then i'll have to give it a crack myself. I'm just worried my VBA knowledge, or lack of, may mean that it doesn't run as smoothly as it could/should.

I'm not sure I can post the names of these form providers here so i'll post my email address for anyone thats interested.

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