Thread: sp of winners
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Old 22nd January 2014, 09:40 AM
aussielongboat aussielongboat is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 258
Talking sp of winners

below is the average winning price of the winners for all gallops meetings covered by tatts bet plus a few others just covered by BF over the past 3 years.
for me it is quite interesting as betting wise i have been suffering over the past 6 months or so because i tend to bet mainly on outsiders and my 2013 results are much worse than 2012.

When i extracted these numbers i now see that 2012 average winner paid 8.14 and 2013 paid 7.75. thus the profit ( after you take out the $1 wage has gone from 7.14 to 6.75 - a reduction of 39c or 5.14 % POINTS- when you are only making 10% POINTS - 5.14% POINTS is significant

In the last 6 months of 2013 the average was 6.67 so it dropped even a bit further. In January 2014 - which as been a disaster the average is 6.42 .

maybe its the start of a long term trend that punters are improving - only time will tell.

these figures are consistent with ones i had in the early 90's so as someone said somewhere else not much has changed really.

date …. races …. av price
2014 YTD …. 2054 …. $7.42
Jan2014 …. 2054 …. $7.42
…. ….
total 2013 …. 31140 …. $7.75
Dec2013 …. 2899 …. $7.74
Nov2013 …. 3114 …. $7.36
Oct2013 …. 3099 …. $7.55
Jan2013 …. 2343 …. $7.71
Feb2013 …. 1998 …. $7.75
Mar2013 …. 2255 …. $7.62
Apr2013 …. 2264 …. $7.76
May2013 …. 2421 …. $8.02
Jun2013 …. 2162 …. $8.31
Jul2013 …. 2774 …. $7.74
Aug2013 …. 2924 …. $7.69
Sep2013 …. 2887 …. $7.93
…. ….
total 2012 …. 26464 …. $8.14
Jan2012 …. 2341 …. $7.79
Feb2012 …. 2026 …. $8.06
Mar2012 …. 2226 …. $8.40
Apr2012 …. 2166 …. $8.16
May2012 …. 2246 …. $8.86
Jun2012 …. 2250 …. $8.53
Jul2012 …. 2025 …. $8.93
Aug2012 …. 2019 …. $7.91
Sep2012 …. 2197 …. $8.08
Oct2012 …. 2249 …. $7.90
Nov2012 …. 2354 …. $7.78
Dec2012 …. 2365 …. $7.45
…. ….
total 2011 …. 20867 …. $8.35
Apr2011 …. 2300 …. $7.99
May2011 …. 2471 …. $8.54
Jun2011 …. 2362 …. $8.74
Jul2011 …. 2273 …. $8.61
Aug2011 …. 2074 …. $8.21
Sep2011 …. 2216 …. $8.55
Oct2011 …. 2435 …. $8.44
Nov2011 …. 2279 …. $8.03
Dec2011 …. 2457 …. $8.02
Grand Total …. 80525 …. $8.03

across countries it looks like this :

Australia .. 45621 .. $7.80
France .. 117 .. $8.50
Hong Kong .. 208 .. $10.03
New Zealand .. 8265 .. $8.61
Singapore .. 2722 .. $8.68
South Africa .. 7934 .. $9.30
UAE .. 10 .. $7.78
United Kingdom .. 13771 .. $7.24

Grand Total 80525 .. $8.03
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