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Old 31st January 2014, 01:57 AM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 743

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
This also gives all the win and place Sp's for Aussie races, but cuts off late at night for UK prices.

Useful info CP, however the above website is only Gallops, no Trots. The other site is dated current day but results show previous day. So if I want to look up the SP prices for Kilmore R2, I'll have to wait till sometime today.

Still annoying to say the least, fortunately I've found away around it, not for publication?? I never had a limit on my SP bet but they say it had a SP price of 1000, therefore refer to fine print:

"Will there be unmatched SP bets if the money isn’t there?

In theory, there could be unmatched SP bets. We don’t actually guarantee a match. But this would only happen if the price is 1.01 or 1000 – the two extremes of our SP. If 1.01 were the final SP, then some backers might be unmatched. If 1000 were the final SP, then some layers will be unmatched. However,
we expect this to be very rare"

Looks like I'm very
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