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Old 20th February 2014, 08:01 PM
Chrome Prince Chrome Prince is offline
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I agree with you xanadu. I don't talk much about it, because "we" are labelled grumpy old men
However, if you haven't experienced the different world we were used to, how can they make comparisons. Progress is progress, but not everything is positive.
We have to tolerate all sorts of alternative people pushing their lifestyles in our faces constantly, and bear the brunt of public opinion for even suggesting that they might be kidding themselves.
There are more rules and regulations than San Quentin inmates had to endure.
Everyone seems to think they can make decisions for our own good and the we aren't capable of making even the simplest decisions.
Our kids aren't allowed to mention Christmas at school or even talk about Santa Claus for fear of alienting new arrivals. Our great Aussie traditions and lifestyles are disappearing in a multicultural mousse.

I am not racist nor anything else, I just feel that why should we bend so far
that we sacrifice our own culture. If I were to suddenly emigrate to another country I would expect to have to fit in, I wouldn't expect them to have to accomodate me and my feelings. Whatever happened to "when in Rome".

Xanadu, I will be retiring to the country in the next few years, where old Australia still exists.

It's not a matter of taste it's a matter of churning out cheap time limited garbage songs. How many songs from the 90's or 2000's stood the test of time, none but one or two offbeat songs.

Our politicians constantly lie to us, and open the door to the very worst in the name of supercharging the economy.
How did that work for us?
Not so good.
There are no jobs and no houses.
My daughter can't find a place even to rent.

I agree 100% xanadu.
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