There are two sides to this argument, and I think they are both right to a degree.
There is no doubt that the ice caps are melting causing rising sea levels and loss of arctic and antarctic habitat.
The hot spells are getting longer and later.
The winters are getting colder and longer.
My Mother remembers the great floods at Charlton, she's 86 and sharp as a tack.
No, not the last round of floods, the first time the whole town went under

She also remembers the heatwaves that equated to over 45 degrees celsius and a day it hit the equivalent of 48.5 degrees.
This was before the weather beaureau accurately recorded temperatures and get this, it was a themometer in the shade of the Town Hall!!!!
However, there is definitive proof that carbon emissions coupled with the mass felling of our trees and forests has a significant impact on the levels of CO2.
The massive increase in population, housing construction (population spreading) , automotive and manufacturing, means that we are spewing out at least 10 times as much as twenty years ago.
Take a look at China, people cough up black soot and the sky is constantly grey.
Even in America, the smog in Los Angeles and New York is a mixture of emissions.
I don't fully believe the doom and gloom of the Government nor the scientists.
There is evidence to suggest that both are unrelated, however, each exacerbates the other when it's a combination.
It is a combination of natural ebb and flow of seasons, magnified by the change in axis of our orbit to the Sun and the emissions simply make the result of those factors more intense.
I remember as a kid, my Dad bucketing his veggies due to water restrictions and he wasn't allowed to wash the car. We less than a quarter of the current population back then, and less than a quarter of vehicles on the road.