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Old 25th February 2014, 03:56 PM
stugots stugots is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 879

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
I have a friend who laser levelled all her paddocks and pulled up all the trees to put in galvanised shelters.
I was Mr. Unpopular when I mentioned that trees provide natural shade which allows air circulation, and horses love undulating terrain which also makes for better circulation and fitness. Needless to say, three of her horses have foundered (laminitis).

Don't want to derail the thread but was interested in this CP - I don't know much about Laminitis other than what a horrible affliction it is, I have a friend who runs a tourist park who has lost horses to it.

Can I take it you believe that horses need a varying environment under-hoof to reduce the likelihood of such diseases occurring? A more solid footing than most paddocks provide?
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