Thread: Rugby Union
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Old 27th February 2014, 08:21 AM
Raystef5845 Raystef5845 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 641

Originally Posted by grizzle
At your leisure, any comment regarding the proposed expansion, Ray?

Thanks for the question. I agree with Dave Rennie that expanding will dilute Super Rugby talent. Look at it this way. There are 15 Super rugby teams based on a population of about 78 million among the three nations. The USA National Football League has 32 teams, about twice as many but drawn from a population that is 4 times as many.

Super Rugby has travel under control with three confereces. Half the matches are in the same country. I notice that home advantage has dropped for domestic matches. I think that's because teams are much less fatigued. That makes for a better quality of play Travel whould get much worse by adding Argentina. The competition has been SANZAR and has done well that way. If it isn't broken, don't fix it.

Even with 318 million people, past American footbal, soccer and women's basketball leagues have gone under for expanding too fast. I hope they don't ruin Super Rugby teh same way. I'm not against progress. Maybe as time goes on, the time will come to expand. Let's stick to Super 15 and get that right.
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