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Old 9th March 2014, 11:39 AM
xanadu xanadu is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492

In the 1960s in Sydney we had George "cotton-fingers" Moore and in the 1970s Melbourne had "The Professor" and these champions invariably "got the job done" for thankful punters.
Roy's unique ability to "nurse" 2YO & 3YO fillies to perform at their best and his association with Angus Armanasco was the most lethal combination of the day particularly with the youngsters.
Roy's great rival was lightweight H. "handbrake harry" White in that era-they were the golden days of Australian racing imo.
I personally place M. "The Roddster" Rodd as his heir apparent particularly after witnessing some of his brilliant rides yesterday.
What endeared Roy to the racing public was that when he retired after years of deprivation he embarked on enjoying every morsel of delicious food which he had done without for decades.
His girth certainly widened but we smiled to see him enjoy himself after a life of achievements.


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