19th March 2014, 10:27 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 879
The BF model here has hasn't been helped by the TO Tax introduction but a $1.6mil loss last year is hardly a reason to abandon the concept.
If Packer can get NSW & the other states that have as yet not changed their taxation model to tax net winnings rather than turnover so we have a single standard across the country, & perhaps make other changes like dumping premium charges & reducing commission rate, then he could see a quick turnaround imho.
On the other hand if all we are going to be left with is the totes & fixed odds & the inherent unfairness that applies to both of those options (high commissions & bannings), then this punter is walking away. I remember to well what punting was like pre BF & aint going back.
That said I am with UB, it is BAU until it happens.