21st May 2014, 11:38 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 463
I don't have a working version of this so just going by looking at the example but I'm assuming its because your using the example which only pulls in those 4 areas by using:
Set runnerNumber = runner.Attributes.getNamedItem("RunnerNo")
Set runnerName = runner.Attributes.getNamedItem("RunnerName")
Set runnerWeight = runner.Attributes.getNamedItem("Weight")
Set riderName = runner.Attributes.getNamedItem("Rider")
So Shaun can correct me but i'm guessing you'd have to add something like:
Set runnerOdds = winodds.Attributes.getNamedItem("Lastodds")
and then to have this show in excel add something this as well:
If Not runnerOdds Is Nothing Then
Sheet1.Cells(i + 1, 5) = runnerOdds.Text
End If
EDIT: By the way I don't use this at all but thought i'd check it out as i'm into website coding and this whole datafeeds stuff. Give the above a try, Shaun might be able to correct it though if i've missed something?
2nd EDIT: Actually in the attributes part "Lastodds" will bring in the last fluc i think, might have to have this as just "Odds"