25th May 2014, 09:57 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Qld
Posts: 1,410
Originally Posted by UselessBettor
So lets do some real life examples:
GWS vs Port Adelaide
Lay at $12.50
Lay at $1.08
Adelaide vs Melbourne
Lay at $1.10
Lay at $10.50
Brisbane vs Sydney
Lay at $4.50
Lay at $1.25
Carlton vs Collingwood
Lay at $6.00
Lay at $1.19
Essedon vs Bulldogs
Lay at $1.34
Lay at $3.75
That should do for a quick test.
Nice examples, every market is greater than 100%. Lay to payout the same for as much as the market can stand. No need to do anything else.