3rd June 2014, 03:26 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 4,425
Originally Posted by Rinconpaul
In consideration of this news and referencing CP's post from 'Laying the Field",
"However, it's all been purely because the traders hit the Aussie markets and made it unprofitable, then Premium Charges hit and levies and traders left and we're back folks"
Where do you think this will leave the exchange model? As in the Backers will depart to Pinnacle, knowing they won't be limited. That leaves the Layers with no one to exchange bets with, hardly. Yikes!!
I predict it will be like the USA races, no action until the dying 30 seconds and then you'll be able to lay first and second favourites at reasonable prices, everything else will have no value and be massive gaps between back and lay prices.
Rhe original exchange model was brilliant, then they floated and the number one priority was growth. It's like nightclubs, give all the girls a free drinkcard and twice as many blokes will follow and drink twice as much, because the blokes buy the girls drinks anyway. Betfair just don't get this method of marketing.
Make Betfair the most attractive place to be with best odds, least commission and traders will flock back carrying with them new clients and liquidity.
Some CEO's have 1000 degrees but no nouse!!!!
1% of 10 million is much better than 10% of $10,000, especially when that 10% has to be spent on arcade games, sportsbook and advertising to get people in. Word of mouth is the best and cheapest investment any corporation can make.