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Old 25th June 2002, 06:23 PM
Posts: n/a

You should be aiming for 20%+ POT.
5% is too marginal.
If you t/o $25,000 at 5% that's only $1,250pa.
A lot of betting for little reward.
Or to put it another way $500/week for $25 profit.

To achieve 20% you need:

90% $1.33
85% $1.41
80% $1.50
75% $1.60
70% $1.71
65% $1.85
60% $2.00
55% $2.18
50% $2.40

To achieve more than 85% over the LT is very difficult, so you should be looking below that figure.

If it was me, I'd aim for 75-80%. Which means aiming at horses near the top of the market.

[ This Message was edited by: chief on 2002-06-25 19:40 ]
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