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Old 16th July 2014, 12:49 PM
PaulD01 PaulD01 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 333

Originally Posted by Rinconpaul
Well it's nice to finally see some transparency appearing in R2W posts. Yes in any race you could have in excess of 80 combinations of Ratings, Form & Price factors and be able to spruik that your software provided a $41 winner. In fact I've seen InD indicators yield $100+ winners.

My point is to make others aware that a subscriber can't be betting on every possible combination and expect to profit. Win maybe, but not profit. It looks mighty enticing seeing all those big $ winners without a mention of the number of selections possible, the POT of any one selection method or a skerrick of disclaimer, unless you read the Terms and Conditions, that you referenced in a post the other day, an excerpt:

......"the Company shall not be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damages or costs suffered in relation to any of the information and/or selections supplied by any of our products or that of reliance upon any information contained within the Ratings 2 Win website".....

I'm not saying that in the right hands and with the right training, it couldn't be profitable, which I'm sure you'll attest to. The downfall though is letting a novice loose on it and expecting them to know how best to use it. Axis is not a selection/tipping service or set and forget system, it's an interactive tool to assist with analysis only and ultimately up to the user to make a selection and be solely responsible for that selection. The manual that accompanies the software is about which button to push, it doesn't delve into the merits or otherwise of a horse having certain gear or the rails out etc and how that may or may not impact. Personally I believe the software would be most useful in the hands of an experienced punter to enhance his/her decision making, but not so a novice. Similarly, any complex FX or share/sport trading software, providers have tutorials for novices to assist them. For instance a product like Betangel have them all the time.

Just my opinion Paul, best of luck with it

Hi RP,

Thanks for the feedback.

Paul Daily - Ratings2Win Pty Ltd (Director)
R2W Axis - Axis is Australia's leading horse racing software and database; with sophisticated form analysis tools and accurate performance ratings that include Hong Kong.
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