Thread: My Ratings
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Old 24th July 2014, 10:40 AM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
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Originally Posted by evajb001
My sheet looks nothing like Shaun's now but I wouldn't have been able to do it without his original sheet.

That's the reason i posted so much was that people could look at what i have done and learn from it, even the simple stuff like looking up from a table or extracting the exact data you need from a bunch of data, i am no coder by any means but you spend long enough doing this stuff you do learn, plus lots of help from a coder on the Gruss forum that gave me the code to make things run fast and smooth, in the past i excluded my actual ratings from some sheets but because it evolves all the time i can't post up every change, although there are sheets out there with the ratings still on them.

If any one wants to learn the basics look up the post on my web development topic.
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