5th August 2014, 02:28 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 879
IAS no more
Hi David,
The parent company of IASbet.com, Sportsbet Pty Ltd, trading as Sportsbet.com.au, has made a decision to discontinue the IASbet.com brand for commercial reasons. As part of our commitment to deliver the best possible service to our customers, you can now login directly with sportsbet.com.au.
You will continue to receive the same level of service you currently do at IASbet.com and we are confident you will find the experience on sportsbet.com.au the same, if not better, as you can enjoy access to a greater range of products and promotions.
You will find that all of your account details have made the move across to Sportsbet with you. So, for example, all pending bets, free bets, deposit and withdrawal information will be in your account ready and waiting.
IASbet.com -
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If you require more information please visit out online FAQs or call our Customer Service team directly on 1800-990-907.
Kind Regards,
The IASbet.com Team
Surprised it was still open tbh, must be 6 years+ since I used it.