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Old 21st August 2014, 04:15 PM
Michal Michal is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,007

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
Hi Paul ,
With staking to take 4 % of a bank when would one consider a rise in the stake.


A/When the Bank doubles
B/ Each new High in the Bank.

Hi Darky,

That's a great question!

In simplest form the answer is using one of 3 scenarios:

1; Up and down, this is where you bets are calculated using the 4% (to take out) of your current bank. Meaning if you are winning your bets are up and if you are loosing your bets slowly decrease. This method will result in the smallest growth but it is the safest model.

2; Just Up, where your bets are calculated based on 4% (to take out) of the highest bank. This will result in a more rapid movement either up or down but has more risk; obviously!

The 2 scenarios are both using the current bank (of sorts). If you are using percentage of the bank, using up and down or just up the thing is your RISK is always the same proportionally to your bank from the first bet you have to the last bet you have. Its ALWAYS 4% (to take out) so there is no need to wait to build the bank before increasing the bet size (percentage of a bank). So say betting 4% (to take out) of a 10,000 bank is the same proportionally as betting 4% (to take out) of a 1,000 bank and so on only the actual value of the bet changes due to the bank size.


3; Never, that is each bet is obviously calculated to take out the 4% of A bank and that is where it will stay. Mind you this is likely to be the end of the process of increasing the bet size anyway, because at some stage you will have reached one of the following a practical limits

a\ of what you can get set at
b\or your own comfort zone threshold.

These are very real, as those of us that operate withing the realities of betting know that at one stage or another you will find it hard to get set, especially if you are winning. Those that look at a $1 system test result and dream of betting $10,000 are probably in for a shock! It gets remarkably harder to get a good div once you exceed the triple digits and its a skill that needs to be learned on top of everything else. Why ? Because no one really wants to be your cash cow!
And then there is the punters own threshold, where the bet size just gets too hairy to handle the losses and so the bet size remains constant and comfortable to handle.

Hope this helps

I should mention for those that may wish to simulate (and find) the best set up of betting percentages and methods can use the Axis Betting Analyser to run the many various options to come up with the best tailored method possible and see the bank risks, runs of outs, draw-down, break down into bet blocks, highest and lowest dividends and other data to make selecting the best betting setup a breeze!

Michal - Ratings2Win Pty Ltd
R2W Axis - Axis is Australia's leading horse racing software and database;
with sophisticated form analysis tools and accurate horse performance ratings for TAB meetings.
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