Thread: AFL R19
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Old 9th August 2004, 09:37 AM
sportznut sportznut is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
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On 2004-08-08 18:53, goldmember wrote:
How was the west coast winning an upset, they have the wood on the lions and i thought the + 38.5 was a gimmee @ $1.90, i thought it was a 50/50 game so i played it safe and had a big win.

There you go. Goldmember did exactly the same as me. I don't recall him mentioning this bet before the match and I don't blame him one little bit for mentioning it after the fact. If you had asked me my opinion before the match I would have told you very clearly that I thought the West Coast would go close to winning and the points start was way too big. Apart from anything else, I was out until around 2 o'clock yesterday, so I couldn't get on the computer before then anyway.

[ This Message was edited by: sportznut on 2004-08-09 10:43 ]
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