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Old 9th August 2004, 06:04 PM
rabbitz rabbitz is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: sharapova island
Posts: 1,843

Now from what ive heard around the traps is that gambling on most things has the old fixeroo element.I remember a game where the swans were playing one of the lower teams late last year,they were in front by 40points with 4 seconds to go when there was a very obvious rushed behind ,margin 39 points then siren,so i thinks to meself,how filthy would you have been if you took 40+ at say $2 and 1-39 was $3.25.I reckon some teams bet on themselves in all codes,horses are pulled up all the time and greyhounds are given water or butter or have there balls squeezed.
So when I say inside info ,I mean from the horses or dogs or footballers mouth.There are variables outside your control.Last year when West coast beat Lions at Gabba by 69 points,matthews thought hello this ones out of reach take the good players off,they didnt care whether Wc won by 40 or 80.Now you might say what has all this got to do with anything
I just think there is more going on in sport,politics etc.Now I'm not saying I read NEXUS magazine and think that osama bin laden is living in Washington and is employed by the CIA,Im just saying there is form you can follow and there is form that blows you out of the water.collingwood won on Friday at Subiaco,thats a miracle isnt it
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