Thread: 100/20 plan
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Old 27th June 2002, 09:00 PM
hermes hermes is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Bendigo
Posts: 236


I think you are reading it right. Large bank, large bets on metro favourites to win. This guy is very much an investment punter looking for ways to get better returns on investment than bank interest. This 100/20 scheme offers that, he says. But you could scale the scheme down. Does it work in principle? Complex, as he says, but he insists it works. Is the formula sound, do you think? What are the flaws?

Placegetter: does your motto encapsulate your betting strategy? Pick winners - back them to place. Is this your approach to picking placegetters? Try to select the winner - back it to place. Do you ever bet each way? How often do horses you've selected to win but backed to place win? That's a problem with place betting for me. If I back a horse to place and it wins I start thinking "if only...."

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