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Old 5th November 2014, 08:55 AM
Lord Greystoke Lord Greystoke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,237

Think you might be a little harsh on Speedy's system here TO with regards your call to 'go back to the drawing board'. A couple of things I noted in the aftermath - follow up to the race, and in hindsight of course...

1. Speedy (or someone else else here?) did mention that 'the rules'will be broken one day - who or what guarantees they will stick 100% in perpetuity? Not sure there is such a system anywhere. For instance, 7yo's do win, just not as often?

2. Only ONE of the rules were broken in my book being No.days since last start= 24 (3-17d was the consensus I believe). Might be wrong bc I don't have my s/s in front of me just now.

3. Protectionist had one of the best if not the best jock in the world on top.

For these reasons, I had a saver bet on the nose which saved my bacon on the day. I also noted that one of Dom Bierne's favorite means of whitling them down had Protectionist in a short list of 4-5. NO need to go back to the drawing board here my good friend. It is STILL possible to pick the winner of the cup from a handful of chances I reckon.

That's my musings on the 2014 Melbourne Cup.. DONE and dusted!

Cheers LG
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