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Old 8th November 2014, 10:31 AM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 755

Originally Posted by mattio
Are you taking into account the bookmaker percentages for the open and the close? If you aren't then your data is next to useless as more often than not the price change is a reflection on the change in bookmaker percentage from say 140% at open to 115% at close as an example.

Technically you are correct mattio, and I used to agonise over such things ONCE!

I remember being sent a lot of historical data by a Master punter. He built his methods and systems around 'AS FOUND" (mistakes, misrepresentations, come what may data) not corrected data. If they made a profit based on that, then so be it.

I fought the logic for some time until I realised that his logic had merit, coz I knew he was doing OK, so I threw of the shackles of logical wisdom and adopted the logic of, "don't change anything if ain't broken wisdom.

Like the bit of fun I've been having with, is it 40% or 140%, who cares, as long as it makes money, use either figure... lol
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