16th January 2015, 08:42 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 4,426
Most people aren't aware that this is something that goes on every day.
Ever used the internet?
When I was a consultant with a Government Dept, they had whole teams dedicated to tracking and tracing internet activity.
Certain keywords popped up for tracking, but anyone can be traced and email, keystrokes, searches, even the contents of the computer could be investigated remotely via decrypting the password for the modem.
They even just request a printout from your ISP which tells them how long and which sites you visited.
There's also the issue of cookies and personalised advertising, and then of course there is the Cloud, which can be hacked legitimately or illegitimately.
Then there's Linked Out and Book Face.
Windows 10 is the least of privacy issues that users should worry about!