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Old 6th June 2015, 06:47 PM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 755

Originally Posted by peter m
Thanks for the replies guys.

Yes Rinconpaul the theories seem logical enough and maybe therein lies the problem as, because it's all based on commonly known factors, API, barrier draws, days last run etc every other man and his dog will most likely be all over that too.

I've not looked at laying but after reading about it here it sounds a bit complicated.

How right you are with the first para Peter. Although, there currently is and probably always has been a huge percentage of punters who are like one of my sons? Texts me last night, " It's my turn in the punters club Dad, here's my selections, I'll be workin' tomoz, so can you let me know how they went?"
Well they went no good, got a place out of 5 selections and lost $80.
These sort of punters aren't reading zip about any betting selection methods. Bookies luv em!

As for the second para in your post, keep thinking that way LOL
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