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Old 23rd July 2015, 08:11 PM
Puntz Puntz is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 292

Effectively it means you're having multiple bets per race and need a staking plan to suit, possibly Kelly.

Got my attention, staking plan/s

I posted and made reference to a staking plan but the thread RIPeed,
Still in use, don't know what I do without it.
It stakes for win, as suggested by the author I think in 1965, .333% of your betting bank.
I think maybe cos I posted my example at $100 bet bank, and the first bet was rounded up to $1.00 ? IDKnow
So, if you can post the win/loss streak and the average bet to win prices, at a glance I may be able to tell if it suits.
"at a glance" cos I see it everyday on test, hence the bet-sender project.
But oh, wait, $1.00 bets ?? how on punter's land can anyone make a living with $1.00 bets ??
Well, try a $2500 start bank @ .333% for bet 1
Or $5000, 10K who cares, it's .333%
If one's selection method don't profit on test @ $100.00 start bank, then what hope is there at the ideal $2,500.00 start bank ?
I'd rather start at $100 in real dosh and rake it in to the $2500
When 2500 is reach, keep 1500 in reserve and start again at 1000.
You have pocketed 1500.
Sure, we read others do #K's per day turnover.
So what?
Many don't relate to those figures.


Count the won/loss streak over 3 month minimum/per day, in sequential time order of the races suitable to your personal preferences, and refining becomes either an art, obsession, or both.
So if you have , W.LLL.WW.LLLL.W.LLLLLL.'WWW.LL.W.L.W., or similar, a good staking plan may work, depending the odds/prices you bet on.

Oh, and emm, it's a loss chaser in principal,
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