24th July 2015, 08:47 AM
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 177
Originally Posted by The Ocho
It's been a bit strange around here lately. I think the Mod(s) have been on holiday for at least 3 months or so as I can't remember one post being edited in that time (although I don't think there have been too many biffos in that time). There's also been mention of other websites, etc. I like it.
I think moderation was a bit overzealous before and now it's throttled back a bit to normal.
I like the absence of foul language here, not that I'm a wowser, having served in the army I do have a fairly extensive vocabulary and use it when appropriate.
Disagreement and mild biffo doesn't bother me at all that's what forums are for, to sort out different opinions and if gets a bit heated so what?
Every forum is quiet, been so for the last year at least, bar those who promote tips.