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Old 24th August 2004, 08:36 AM
purpleheart68 purpleheart68 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 235

Can anyone please explain to me why these people who claim to care so much about this horses well being have him on the comeback trail at 8 years of age??What are they trying to prove??The horse has nothing to prove,he's already done it all,and made them quite well off in the process.Can anyone in their right mind,even the most ardent Northerly supporters,see him beating Starcraft home in the Cox Plate??And what if he does race again and breaks down badly and has to be put down?I make no apologies,I can only see this as cruel and callous,and motivated by greed.This beautiful magnificent animal should be in a lush paddock with his feet up enjoying the life of Reilly.IMO he is more than entitled to it.
The Kersleys keep saying they will be guided by the horse.I only wish he could talk!
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