1st July 2002, 11:20 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne: The Racing Capital
Posts: 78
That is a really good question. My thoughts are that if it's a SINGLE BET on multiple events, your initial outlay is your turnover - $10.
When you take an all-up which AUTOMATICALLY reinvests winning dividends towards your next selection, you have no option of extracting all or part of your winnings in the middle. The compounding nature of the bet is the basis for both your total risk and your total reward. The most you can lose on your outlay is the $10.
I can also understand Freddy's view that, in effect, you've turned over the greater amount but I'm inclined to say that your turnover is restricted to the actual amounts that come out of your account (or pocket) to be bet.
************ good question, though!