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Old 7th September 2015, 05:50 AM
blackdog1 blackdog1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 177

Originally Posted by Pat123
I think crownbet are taking a different approach to bookmaking/business model and have confidence in their traders and analysts and want to get a good rep.
I don't think any business starts out with the idea of getting a bad reputation.
However even charities have to pay wages, so they take some of the earnings from the top, (sometimes there is very little left).

Bookies on the other hand are no charities, it's all about profit and I assure you when it comes down to profit vers. "good" rep, I know which side wins.

Besides what's a good rep for a bookie? Paying out on time and taking on reasonable wagers, that's all. The business model is the same for all, try to retain the losers and get rid of or restrict the consistent winners.
Enjoy while it lasts.
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