27th August 2004, 08:08 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 301
bn don’t know if we are on the same wavelength but here goes anyways -
I have found that a lot of the time the price of a nag has not a lot to do with it's true chance of winning, therefore if my work throws up a 30/1 chance I back it the same as my run of the mill 3 or 4/1's.
so what this means for me is that, for example, when all indicators are that 'sinbad the sailor' should have walked in at cessnock today but instead runs like an old greyhound I once had to put down, but the day before I back 'monterertuso' at ballarat but have little confidence because its drifting, I have to slap myself & say "snap out of it, don’t worry what other punters think cause they are WRONG!"
Well, at least I hope they are wrong, some or most of the time.
So trust your own judgment bn & stuff the price.