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Old 28th September 2015, 05:35 PM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,534

Its interesting these Big Sixes. So lets say you invested the $64.

The Pool was $223,312

There were 1.596 winners (due to flexi betting). So lets now work out what you would have been paid if you had bet.

There now would have been 2.596 winners and the pool would be $223,376.
That means the win would have now paid out $86,046.

Ouch .... Just by betting into this pool you lost around 50K.

Now if two people followed the axis database and bet it you would have 3.596 winners and the pool would be $223,440. The return would drop to $62,135. More than halved.

The problem with the large wins in exotics is they almost halve when you actually bet into them.

Still a very nice return though.
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