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Old 29th October 2015, 10:36 PM
Sportz Sportz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 11,983

Sorry mate, you can't have $20 ew. The most you can bet on any horse now is $25. In your case, all you need to do is simply have $10 ew. The result would be exactly the same.

Just to explain things again. The person listed first can bet $125-$250 and the person listed second can bet $100-$200. Now, it's important to realise that betting the maximum amount does not give you any more chance of winning than betting the minimum amount. Because I am simply going to convert everyone's winnings back to a score out of 125 or 100 anyway.

The reason why I left it open for people to bet $125-$250 or $100-$200 is simply to give people greater flexibility and leave it as close as possible to how we've been doing it up till now.
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