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Old 2nd November 2015, 01:48 PM
Percentum Percentum is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Newcastle
Posts: 1,053

Thanks Sportz and good luck to all of you over the rest of the carnival.

Track bias seems to have emerged recently as a new issue for us to contend with. Was it always there but flying under the radar and not spotted.?

It's a bit like many things of the new era such as sinkholes, bull sharks and cockroaches.

When I started teaching at Junee in 1971 I don't remember seeing a cockroach in my hometown of Newcastle. When I came back they were, all of a sudden, there.

Similarly, there was no such thing as a bull shark. There were white pointers, tigers and makos but no bulls (no Bull).

Suburban grass castles disappearing down sinkholes was rare. Now they are all part of the modern lexicon.

Getting back to my comparison of track bias, one of my favourites, Foxseal, always came from a mile back and ran close to the placings. No questions of bias stopping him.

I'm starting to ramble so will bid you adieu and wish you well until autumn.

To quote the great Edward R Murrow, 'Good night and good luck.
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