18th March 2016, 09:45 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,457
Originally Posted by blackdog1
Don't waste your time Shaun it's not going to work, I used a different approach, not Excel and it no longer works.
You can sign up to receive data free as far as I know via an API?
Not important enough for me.
I need a bigger Turnover from the Tab for that as it is only available to Silver and above.
I do have another option i have not tried, it won't be pretty but may work, i can write a script using AutoHotKey to create a browser then i can send the contents of that browser to a txt doc then import that to excel, it won't be fully dynamic but it just may get the info that i need, namely exotic payouts.
One Drive
"If the corporates are treating you poorly , just go elsewhere."
"If they need you , they will soon find out."
"If you need them , you will soon find out." --moeee