7th November 2016, 07:53 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,457
Need some help with HTML table
Does anyone understand and can read html tables, i am having an issue with some data importing and have had to resort to to a different method using copy paste, the problem is i need to locate a table on the page or an area that i can activate so my copy paste code works, if you open up the Unibet webpage and then select a race if you try to use Ctrl+A nothing happens but once you click with in the prices you can then use Ctrl+A, i do have code that i can use to activate an element just having issues implementing this.
One Drive
"If the corporates are treating you poorly , just go elsewhere."
"If they need you , they will soon find out."
"If you need them , you will soon find out." --moeee