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Old 4th September 2004, 11:26 PM
davez davez is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 301

As it seems the betting exchange brigade have gone into hiding after the pommy land racing industry debacle this week I thought it only right to raise the issue once again.

Having been previously undecided as to the value or otherwise of betting exchanges I now have this to say -

As a punter of 2 & 1/5 decades I have known & accepted for most of that time that out of every dollar I bet a certain percentage of that dollar will be lost to the darker side of the industry - the race fixers, the desperate pigmy’s, whatever greedy thief has found an angle - & after a while I was fine with that, being a person that in the end just loves the game for what it is, & had come to realize that a certain percentage of the time my lawyer, doctor, accountant, dentist, mechanic, etc, etc, were also going to fleece me, that’s just life.

However to introduce another avenue or means for someone to rip me off is unacceptable. I have worked to fckn hard to make a quid out of this game to have MY racing industry polluted with this ****.

So to all the promoters & supporters of these Betting Exchanges I say –


For me this is the end of the debate.
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