10th March 2018, 04:24 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,457
Originally Posted by UselessBettor
Good on you for taking the plunge.
If you already automate excel then .Net or C# is probably the most familiar.
Python is good to learn and it is very powerful but can be a bit hard to understand.
I use Java for no other reason then I already knew how to do it when I started coding my horse racing systems.
Unfortunately the Betfair developer forum no longer exists. It had lots of sample code which is now no longer available.
I had a read up on these 2 languages and can see they may be a better choice, .NET came from the old days of basic, i used to code simple race ratings in Qbasic back in the 90s, honestly i would be starting from scratch as what i do in excel is very simple stuff, i suppose i won't know if i like it until i try it, i may call on you again if i get stuck, am sure you could be helpful.
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