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Old 15th March 2018, 09:39 PM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,518

Originally Posted by Sportz
Understand this thinking. BUT, there are some times when for whatever reason, you just genuinely can't get online to tip and there are times when you look at the races and really can't find anything at all that you like. But more importantly, there are usually people who join in the competition late because they don't realise it's started yet. We only had 5 people I think for the first week. The people who miss out in such cases, shouldn't really be penalised. The rules are there for everyone. If you have a bye or two up your sleeve, and you're in a good spot, you may just decide to sit on your position in the last week or two. It's up to you. But then you run the risk of missing out if someone else goes past you.

Only put it up for consideration. I am also happy with the way it is.
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