Thread: some IT trivia
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Old 5th April 2018, 10:19 AM
Puntz Puntz is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 285

CP, ya right ya know, on the same page as this guy,

Or is Intel basically saying "we are committed to selling you ********
forever and ever, and never fixing anything"?

It just goes on and on and on

Now I realise the PC I just bought off gumtree with a Intel Core 2 duo sticker on it, had $45.00 in the ad, with win 7 pro freshly installed updated etc etc.
I said "will ya take 35" ? he could not help load it in the car quick enough, complete desktop, cables, everYthing and with usb wifi dongle, copy of win 7 pro cd etc
I thought this guy is nuts !, how does he make a living ?

The seller buys them at auctions and fixes them said he could not sell it for $100.00;
I thought "bargain", now I know why.
Looks fine on the outside, has same as you say, liquid cooling, fans, copper pipes everywhere, geez, looks likes a steam engine inside the box., but it's Intel, hmm,
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