Thread: Mav's Tips
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Old 11th September 2004, 09:52 AM
maverick1993 maverick1993 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 3,635

Can't remember what it was paying..could of been 100/1..especially if it was a first starter or a maiden memory i think i backed a 200/1 shot once and it came 2nd..,,what's your point ?

"If fav will be my saver" means if llanga shortened to become favourite i'd use it as a saver and have the other as my selection.
In hindsight with llanga winning it wasnt a good move but hey i still profited who cares.

Mooee i have given you my email and am happy to answer all your questions. How bout you save them all up for me.
I'm guessing people will be getting sick of seeing my thread on top all the time especially with all these top races going on.

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