Weights are out for the 2019 Melbourne Cup:
Kew Gardens will be the topweight with 58kg - if he decides to contest the race, of course. If he doesn't, then weights will remain the same: rather than shift upwards as they have in some past runnings.
Cross Counter has been awarded 57.5kg, 6.5kg greater than he carried to victory in last year's race. Placegetters Marmelo and Prince of Arran will carry the same weight that they did in 2018.
Constantinople, this year's Cross Counter/Rekindling doppelganger was awarded 52.5kg. So it looks like Greg Carpenter hasn't done any further handicapping for these 3yo northern/4 yo southern types aside from the pre-announced 1kg bump in benchmark weights.
The ballot exemption-winning horse Steel Prince will carry 53.5kg.
A brief look shows a few that would be stoked with their handicap. Ispolini and Master of Reality both look well in.
The first Order of Entry will be out this Friday. I'm not sure why they can't release that immediately... Maybe that gives some people who make an effort to determine eligible prizemoney winnings a brief trading advantage in Futures markets.
First Acceptances are due by noon on October 1st.