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Old 3rd October 2019, 01:33 PM
walkermac walkermac is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 602

Originally Posted by evajb001
They appear to be the ones that meet my early criteria the best, not sure if you've got any initial thoughts on those 6 runners.
To be honest I haven't done enough research for my opinion to hold much weight and I just haven't seen a performance yet that made me sit up and take notice like Cross Counter's Gordon Stakes win last year did, for example, or Rekindling in the Curragh Cup the year prior.

If the race were today and I had to make a snap decision I'd probably be most interested in Ispolini and Finche, then Master of Reality and Constantinople. But I'm prepared to throw them out entirely as I look deeper into each one as intended.

So we have a little bit of crossover with our respective early fancies.

I was very keen on Il Paradiso but find I have to keep making excuses: doubts on the strength of that Lonsdale Cup run (small field, half of them bled, Stradivarius said to only do "enough" for his wins), his unimpressive performance last race, not having won any blacktype... If all the positive presumptions you need to make are true, then he's a great chance for sure though.

I think the Ebor is very good form this year: the prizemoney was increased so the field was stronger and it was run in very fast time, if memory serves. Raymond Tusk was thought to have had an unlucky run but also doesn't have a good head-to-head record against a lot of other Cup candidates currently at longer odds.

Southern France would be challenging, especially given recent performances alongside Master of Reality and Cross Counter but I think is handicapped a kg or two heavier than ideal.

Steel Prince I would like to see against some internationals to line up form with but, with 8 wins locally appears to be pretty well known by the handicapper and much of his success has been during the leaner months of the racing season.
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