18th October 2019, 05:15 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,518
Originally Posted by evajb001
Going by the writeups you've completed so far it would appear you somewhat agree that there aren't many/any standouts at the moment - is it possible this year could be another boilover?
Doubt it. This happens every year. The only reason there was a boilover a few years ago was due to a major jockey mistake (arrogance) which took out more than half the field.
Fast forward to 3 mins and watch all the runners who were going to run on be taken out. I count 13 horses impacted and most were in the top chances.
I agree its just ad luck and that riding at the back of the pack causes bad luck to have a higher impact but it was still the action which caused the boilover. I still think the winner will come this year in the top chances in the market.