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Old 2nd November 2019, 08:47 AM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,457

Originally Posted by UselessBettor
Every system uses level stakes and all use the same amount. When you bet big you don't get as much choice with fancy staking plans.Level profit works and while it has its drawbacks it is safest at this level of betting.

I profit on a races/sports every few minutes as I bet 24/7/365 across multiple codes (horse, greys, harness, soccer, rugby, tennis, baseball, basketball, etc). I always find Christmas day and good Friday interesting days. I use those days for offsite backups and maintenance activities as there is very little action on those two days (some football games on christmas day).

My goal is to become a 1 billion turnover per year punter. I see no reason I can not achieve this within the next couple of years considering I am already near $300 million per year. It has become more difficult now though as I can hit liquidity problems with some markets so I can't just increase my bet size and get matched so I need to find more systems, look at more sports, etc.

Sorry for all the question, i just find the way you do things interesting, when it comes to monitoring your systems is this a live situation as results happen or do you calculate at the end of day, i guess there is no real end of day for you, just the thought of live monitoring over 100 systems is huge.
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