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Old 4th November 2019, 03:02 PM
evajb001 evajb001 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 463

Hi UB,

Sorry its taken a while to respond back to you, the last few weeks for me have been crazy. Appreciate your response and what you've mapped out is essentially what im aiming for, just gradually increasing my bankroll and bet sizing to the point that I can turnover more and create that passive side income.

As a bit of an update my NBA betting has been absolutely ridiculous so far. I was away for a few days so missed a couple of betting days but so far I've bet 7 days for +45 units with average turnover of about $500 a day. These returns have exceeded my expectations but I do feel like I've certainly got an edge with what I'm doing, its just more a matter of how long until I start getting restricted with the bookies I'm betting with.

Fortunately for all of my sports betting (both NBA and other sports) I'm generally betting on the line so I can take out the 3, 5 or 10 biggest winners and its not going to have a huge adverse effect on my profit. I'll continue to keep you guys updated on my progress, hopefully I can continue the success on this NBA and increase my turnover further in the new year.
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